The project funded by UNODC has been finished

The project “Safeguarding the future through age-tailored and gender-sensitive drug use prevention” funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been finished.
The project implemented by RPCO “DAPC” has met its outcomes and outputs. Effective methods of psychoactive substances use prevention among girls have been introduced. 599 girls took part in group sessions of the program of psychoactive substance use prevention in educational institutions in St. Petersburg. 100 teachers and psychologists in educational institutions have got knowledge about the features of the gender-sensitive prevention. 30,000 girls have been engaged in forming a responsible attitude to their own health and increasing the social activity by the Internet tools (web-sites, pages in the social networks). Capacity of non-profit organizations, state and
municipal organizations and institutions in the field of prevention has been increased. At least 1000 persons have got knowledge and tools on gender-specific prevention. 80 heads and specialists of NGOs from St. Petersburg and other regions, employees of state and municipal institutions have got knowledge about the features of the gender-sensitive prevention. All of this has contributed to the reduction of substance use among girls, to gender equality and girl’s empowerment.